Upload to S3 by AWS SDK

October 08, 2022

3 points for using AWS SDK to upload file to S3 bucket

1. onPostBuild method use async method

Gatsby gives plugins and site builders many APIs for building your site. Code in the file gatsby-node.js is run once in the process of building your site.

Pay attention to Async vs. sync work

// Async/await
exports.onPostBuild = async () => {
  // do async work
  const result = await fetchExternalData()

// Promise API
exports.onPostBuild = () => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // do async work

2. Create an IAM user to do upload work

Use the Access key ID and Secret access key to construct S3 object, then you can use this S3 object to putObject.

const s3 = new AWS.S3({
  signatureVersion: 'v4',
  accessKeyId: accessKeyId,
  secretAccessKey: secretAccessKeyId,

For the security, you can use export command to set Access key ID and Secret access key to your local environment variant


3. Refer to the sdk document

AWS JavaScript SDK

The terminal output like this.

Uploading (155/160, 97%) ~partytown/debug/partytown-ww-sw.js
Uploaded  (156/160, 98%) ~partytown/debug/partytown.js
Uploading (157/160, 98%) ~partytown/partytown-atomics.js
Uploaded  (158/160, 99%) ~partytown/partytown-media.js
Uploaded  (159/160, 99%) ~partytown/partytown-sw.js
Uploading (160/160, 100%) ~partytown/partytown.js
success onPostBuild - 29.862s
info Done building in 54.415459 sec