My Chat Room

October 19, 2022

This chat room does not require registration and does not keep chat messages, only people who enter at the same time, may chat, but I am online most of the time.

It took me a week to finish this chat room.

At first I was going to use googollee/ as a backend websocket library.

The front end uses as the websocket library.

But these two libraries have compatibility issues, and I spent a day debugging them without success.

Here is the reference link of the problem: Can not establish a connection between my React frontend and my Go backend #408

During the development, I tried to update the state inside the useEffect method and encountered the classic closure problem

So I added redux to solved the problem.

The scenario where react uses websocket is a typical scenario that requires the use of redux.

For more information about the closure problem, please refer to this article below.
从 react hooks state 不更新问题中,重新认识闭包

Here’s a picture of my chat room

My Chat Room